Monday, April 16, 2012


Delfina siempre ha querido ser marinera. Le encanta el estilo náutico y no hay cosa que le haga más ilusión que poder saludar a bordo. Pero no se subiría a un barco ni loca, se marea muchísimo. Eso no le impide vivir como una marinera… en tierra.

Delfina has always wanted to be a sailor. She loves the nautical style and her fondest wish is to be able to wave on board. But there is no way she would do that, she gets terribly seasick. It doesn´t stops her from living like a real sailor... on solid ground.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sweeney Todd

Un tributo a Sweeney Todd, el barbero diabólico de Fleet Street, el musical (Stephen Sondheim) y la película (Tim Burton, 2007), especialmente inspirado en el personaje interpretado maravillosamente por Johnny Depp.

This is a tribute to Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, the musical (Stephen Sondheim) and the fim (Tim Burton, 2007), especially inspired by the character gorgeously played by Johnny Depp.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Piratruska & Monalola

Piratruska y Monalola son piratas de tierra firme. Su lugar favorito de saqueo son las casas de mujeres mayores. Aprovechan el momento en el las buenas señoras salen a hacer la compra para localizar sus joyeros y cofres. Despliegan sus banderas, se hacen una foto delante de su trofeo y lo dejan todo intacto, ya que las joyas no les importan demasiado. El verdadero saqueo ocurre en la cocina: arrasan con todas las galletas, madalenas y pasteles caseros. ¡Se vuelven locas!

Piratruska and Monalola are pirates of solid ground. Their favourite looting places are the houses of old ladies. When the lady leaves the house to go to buy groceries, they come in the house to locate their jewelry boxes and trunks. They spread out their flags, take a picture in front of the trophy and then leave everything intact, since they don´t care much about jewelry. The real looting happens in the kitchen: they polish off all the homemade cookies and cakes. They drive completely mad!