Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gene Simmons

He hecho este Gene Simmons duendecillo como regalo de cumpleaños para un querido amigo (¡le ha encantado!), me lo he pasado bomba haciéndolo.

I´ve made this Gene Simmons pixie doll as a birthday present for a dear friend (he loved it!), I really had fun making it.


  1. ¡Es una verdadera pasada! ¡Me encanta!!! ¡Está super currado y super logrado!! Ana, ¡eres una maquina!

  2. Wow!! He's wonderful - love his super long tongue!! And the boots and guitar!! Amazing!

  3. Me parto de la risa, es genial. Las poses son de lo más auténticas, con las piernas tan delgadas y tan abiertas. Una pasada.

  4. OMG Ana, you have outdone yourself with this doll. I love everything about him, his long skinny legs with the tiny starts and especially his poses. He makes me smile!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for always leaving such beautiful comments!
    Have a wonderful day,

  5. Pili, muchas gracias, me alegra mucho que te haya gustado. ¡Jejeje!

    Gingermelon: Thank you! I wanted to make a posable tongue but it was too much... maybe next time!

    Marichu: Muchas gracias, me empeñé en ponerle así y es muy gracioso porque se sostiene solo.

    Evelyn: Thank you very much! He makes me smile too. I love to visit your blog and to admire your wonderful dolls! Have a great day you too.


Muchas gracias por tus comentarios ❤ Thank you for your comments